Specifications of compute instances in Cloud-V

This document contains the specifications of the compute instances available for users to run builds in Cloud-V. The term "Compute Instance", can also be safely interchanged with the terms "Build Executor" and "Runner".

Name String Architecture Cores Memory Compute Instance Type
J-x86-1 (or) J-QMU-1 x86_64 4 8GiB Hardware with application-level emulator
J-TESTVM-1 x86_64 4 8GiB Hardware
J-RASP4-1 aarch64 4 4GiB Hardware
J-QMS-1 riscv64 2 2GiB QEMU System emulator
J-VF1-1 riscv64 2 8GiB Hardware
J-VF1-2 riscv64 2 8GiB Hardware
J-VF1-3 riscv64 2 8GiB Hardware
J-VF2-1 riscv64 4 8GiB Hardware
J-VF2-2 riscv64 4 8GiB Hardware
J-VF2-3 riscv64 4 8GiB Hardware
J-VF2-4 riscv64 4 8GiB Hardware
J-VF2-5 riscv64 4 8GiB Hardware
J-VF2-6 riscv64 4 8GiB Hardware
J-HF-1 riscv64 4 8GiB Hardware

Note: The J-QMU-1 and J-x86-1 are one and the same runner. The purpose of creating two separate executors for same hardware is that J-x86-1 is supposed to be specifically for x86 architecture whereas J-QMU-1 is specifically for the users who want to cross compile source code for riscv64 architecture and then use qemu-usermode to execute them. Nevertheless, the tooling available for J-x86-1 can also be used for J-QMU-1