Creating a CI/CD pipeline in Jenkins

Pre Requisistes

For sake of this documentation, jenkins built-in sample script is used to create and execute a cd/cd pipeline in jenkins. In the built-in script maven is used as M3, so one must install Maven plugin inside jenkins and name it M3. Usually maven is already present inside jenkins and can be configured from Global Configuration Tools. Following steps demonstrate configuring Maven plugin.

  • Go to Jenkins Dashboard and click on Manage Jenkins
  • In Manage Jenkins, under System Configuration section, click on Global Tool Configuration.


  • In Global Tool Configuration, scroll down to Maven section and click on the respective option under the Maven Section (should be Maven installations… or Add Maven).

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  • Under Maven installations, enter M3 in “name” text box, check Install Automatically and select Version greater than 3, then click Apply and Save.

  • This should install Maven version 3 and configure as M3.

Steps for Jenkins pipeline creation

  • After installing Jenkins and having all the suggested plugins installed, go to Jenkins dashboard and click on Create Job.

  • On the next page, give your pipeline a name, select Pipeline and click OK.

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  • A Configuration page for the pipeline will appear.

  • Select Build Triggers options and General options according to need and scroll down to the Pipeline section.

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  • Definition section contains configuration for stages and steps of the pipeline. Under Definition section, you can either choose Pipeline script and try writing your own script or try some sample pipeline (like Hello World, Github+Maven etc) or you could select Pipeline script from SCM and give a github repository containing configurations of Pipeline.

  • Press Save and Apply.

  • This should take you to the Pipeline and you can build the pipeline and if no unresolved dependencies are present, the pipeline should build without any error.